The End of the Beginning

In a gasp like a baby's first shocked breath, She pulled back the diaphragm of the Divine, creating space for a Universe to expand to fill the Divine lungs. In seven days it was done - chay, tzomeach, domem - animal, vegetable, mineral - things, creatures beyond count, an explosion of interaction and unfolding physics. She felt awe and satisfaction and, at last, curiosity.

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The Journey of Return

Standing on that hilltop in Waibstadt, Germany, I have to say that I indeed felt like I was returning, even though I had never been there. This great-great-grandfather whose grave I stood at shared his name with me – as I discovered he did with his own grandfather, and with his grandson, my Grandpa Irwin, whose birthday is tomorrow. This succession of Yitzchak Kellers made me feel a little bit like a cat with if not nine lives then at least four. Yes, his life was a blank slate to me but, oddly, chillingly, a slate with my name on it.

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